If you want a bold, passionate partner who knows exactly what they want in a relationship, date someone from the Fire signs. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius have unmatched energy, spirit, and enthusiasm.
“They make the world come alive for themselves and those around them,” says astrologer Amy Tripp. According to her and other astrologers, Fire signs possess unique characteristics that make relationships with them unlike any other.
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In general, Fire signs are motivated go-getters with immense self-confidence. “Individualism and independence are important to them,” says Tripp. “They typically need a lot of freedom to express themselves and be who they are.”
When it comes to relationships, Tripp says they generally don’t have bad intentions. Compatibility issues aside, if their Fire element is functioning at a high level, they can be impulsive, rash, and self-centered, which may obviously create relationship challenges. They may also appear insensitive or overly reckless to some, Tripp adds. On the other hand, when their Fire element operates at a low level, they might lack self-confidence and optimism. “Physical exercise can help balance them, as well as spending time in the sun,” she says.
Despite this, they still make great partners. Check out what Fire signs do best in relationships, according to astrologers.
1 – Fire Signs Are Bold and Will Take the Initiative to Ask You Out
Fire signs aren’t the type to shy away from someone they like. According to Tripp, they are likely to make the first move because they like to act quickly. Remember, they’re not fans of games. So, old-school dating rules—like waiting hours to text someone to seem “cool”—won’t sit well with them. They are known for being straightforward and honest, so you won’t have to guess what they’re thinking. When a Fire sign likes you, trust that they genuinely do. “Fire signs like to act fast, but they try to keep things simmering to avoid burning out,” Tripp says.
2 – They Don’t Hold Grudges
There will be days when you and your partner may not see eye to eye. The reality is that conflict in relationships is inevitable. While a Water sign might take things very personally and an Earth sign might forgive but never forget, Fire signs prefer to keep things moving forward. “Just as a fire can be extinguished quickly, Fire signs tend to get over things fast,” says Tripp. In other words, they don’t hold grudges. Once something has been discussed and resolved, it’s unlikely they’ll bring it up again. Their ability to move past difficulties in relationships and life makes them excellent partners.
3 – If You’re Unsure What You Want, They’ll Help You Figure It Out in the Best Way Possible
You can’t talk about the good traits of Fire signs without mentioning their passionate nature in bed. According to astrologer Clarisse Monahan, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius dive headfirst into every experience in a direct and “fierce” way. Again, there’s no guessing with them. They know what they want and will tell you. Even better, they’ll show you. “They’re masters of the ‘quickie’ and love spontaneous action,” says Monahan. “Being around a Fire sign forces you to be in the here and now.” They can help their partners discover what they truly want in bed and how to express those desires. Air signs, who tend to live in their heads, will find being with a Fire sign truly invigorating.
4 – Fire Signs Don’t Waste Time
Unlike Earth signs, who tend to move their relationships at an extremely slow pace (but will love you forever once they do!), Fire signs enjoy the constant progression of an early relationship. As astrologer Jacq Dowling puts it, moving forward to new stages in a relationship comes naturally to them. “The nature of fire is hot—they want nothing less in their love life,” says Dowling. “They don’t have the patience to wait.” If a Fire sign loves you, consider yourself special because it means you add fuel to their flame. Aries, ruled by Mars, in particular, tends to fall in love at first sight and will relentlessly pursue their passion. They are quick to get things going and don’t beat around the bush—a bonus for shyer signs.
5 – They Build Deep Heart-to-Heart Connections
You might not think signs that move quickly would take time to build deep connections, but that’s not entirely true for Fire signs. Forming a deep “heart-to-heart connection” is very possible with them. However, each sign approaches this differently. For instance, with Aries, a deep connection will form when you take on something new together, like moving houses or taking the next big step in your relationship. If you’re with a Leo, consider yourself lucky. According to Dowling, Leos are ruled by the heart. They are quick to fall in love and will happily shower their partner with adoration, gifts, and affection. For Sagittarius, a deep connection is easily achieved when time is spent learning new things and exploring the world together.
6 – Fire Signs Will Help You See Life Differently
Fire signs bring something special to your relationship, so it’s always exciting. According to astrologer and life coach Stephanie Gailing, MS, “Aries will introduce you to new things, and their passion and enthusiasm for life will inspire you. If you’re overthinking, they’ll easily help you get out of your head and into reality, ‘igniting’ your desire to get out and do something. Leos ‘lead with the heart’ and are very generous, infusing the relationship with fun. ‘They also help develop your creative side,’ says Gailing. Finally, Sagittarians are adventurers. ‘They’ll inspire you to live a broader life and have wider horizons, whether in your thoughts or by actually venturing out to see the world and learn from different cultures,’ she says. In short, you’ll never be bored.
7 – They’re Naturally Empathetic
When you think of signs in tune with their emotions, Water signs like Cancer and Pisces probably come to mind first. But because Fire signs are heart-driven, they are inherently empathetic. Leo, for example, has a heart-centered approach to relationships. According to Gailing, they are very kind, generous, exceptionally romantic, and love to praise their partner. Additionally, their playful nature brings “lightheartedness and fun” to their relationships. If their partner is having a bad day, they’ll always find a way to lift their spirits. Once a deep connection is formed, Fire signs can naturally tune in to their partner’s emotional energy.
8 – They Are Independent
Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius don’t need constant reassurance from their partners to feel secure in a relationship. They are ambitious and always have goals to chase. For this reason, they value a sense of independence within a relationship. “They definitely appreciate partners who understand their need for autonomy and freedom,” says Monahan. They tend to get along very well with Air signs like Gemini and Aquarius, who also value freedom.
9 – Fire Signs Are Very Straightforward
When you’re with a Fire sign, you’ll never have to wonder what they’re thinking or how they truly feel. They are very honest, sometimes brutally so. While more sensitive signs might find this off-putting, those who value directness will truly appreciate this trait. They might even help their partners express their desires and needs more openly. “You always know where you stand with a Fire sign,” says Monahan. “There’s rarely any ambiguity. Plus, Fire signs are much less likely to cheat than their slippery Water sign cousins.” Fire signs are more likely to leave a relationship that isn’t working to pursue their true desires.
The truth is, every sign has aspects that make them great partners. Air signs, for example, are known for being excellent communicators. Water signs are known for being emotionally in tune, and Earth signs are known for their stability and loyalty. With a Fire sign, you’ll have a spontaneous, passionate partner who knows how to overcome challenges and has a great enthusiasm for life. If that’s what you want, a Fire sign might be your best bet.
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